turning forty - Laughter. Tears. Beers ...and Cake
Mike Gayle
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd. (2013)
In Sammlung
Trade Paperback 9780340918548
Großbritannien  Englisch
How to turn forty:
1. Set yourself a personal challenge.
2. Clear wardrobe of all age-inappropriate clothing.
3. Relax.

How not to turn forty:
1. Have a complete meltdown . . .

High-flier Matt Beckford's sole ambition is to turn forty with his life sorted. With a Porsche on the drive and a job that requires him to spend more time in BA's club lounge than his own lounge, it looks like things are going in the right direction. But when Matt's wife unexpectedly calls time on their marriage, a chain of events is set in motion that very quickly sees him facing forty broke, homeless and completely alone.

But all is not lost because Matt has a plan . . .
Weitere Einzelheiten
Nr. d. Auflage 1
Gedruckt von der Minion
Empfohlener Preis 13,99 €
Seitenanzahl 386
Titel des Originals turning forty
Verlag des Originals Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.
Ursprungsland Großbritannien
Sprache des Originals Englisch
Original erschienen im Jahre 2013
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